

Time is perceived in a scientific way—as a function of universal principles
and physical laws and increasingly well described by theories and

Scientific depiction: Time in all normal events on earth is linear. In extremes,
however (e.g., in linear accelerators, space travel), time can flow more
slowly or quickly or, as in the case of black holes, time can cease to exist.

BUDDHIST Worldview

Time is cyclical. Each existence continues through death and rebirth so long
as the sense of self keeps us attached to this world. Individual desires are
finally quenched (nirvana) but the world continues on its cyclical pattern.
Some forms of Buddhism believe in a future Buddha who will come and
bring release to all beings.


Time is linear, though there are two very different approaches. In one, there
is the suggestion that through human lives a renewed and peaceful world will
be created—the Kingdom of God on earth. In the second, the world
becomes so full of suffering and wrongdoing that an antichrist will appear,
bringing conflict. Christ then returns and defeats the antichrist in a great
battle inaugurating a reign of peace.

HINDU Worldview

Time is cyclical. The world passes through various stages, from birth to
growth to decline. We are currently in Kali Yuga, the age of decline. The
world will eventually be destroyed, only for a new world to appear in the
distant future.

MUSLIM Worldview

Time is linear. At the end of time, Allah will announce the Judgment Day and
the world will end. All will be judged on that day.

JEWISH Worldview

Time is linear. The Messiah, or the Chosen One of God, will come when
either the world has become a better place or when it has reached the point
of greatest trouble. The Messiah will herald an era of world peace.

SIKH Worldview

Time is cyclical, and beliefs associated with time are similar to those of

TAO Worldview

There are elements of both the linear and the cyclical. There is no end to the
world, just a personal journey, either to better and better rebirths, or into

DEIST Worldview (of historical interest)

Time is linear, since the Creation.

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in support of civic pluralism