Activity [
Lesson 1]
Reconsider Your Understanding of
Directions (1-3): You answered these
three questions once before. Answer now based on your completed reading.
Only one answer in each item is correct.
Directions (4-6): Continue on to
answer questions that focus on the information in the readings.
4. Two reasons below stand
out best to summarize the school's legal responsibility to be religiously
neutral. Can you find them?
5. Teachers can help or harm a classroom
climate of religious neutrality through their conduct. Which of the following general
actions are likely to facilitate a religiously neutral climate? Which will
work against it?
7. [This is a "tough
case" for practice.] Directions: Read and consider the
classroom situation below. How appropriate is the teacher's casual
comment? Briefly explain in the scroll box.
Public School Situation: All
the students have been given a short time for "free reading."
The teacher is simply observing a student's choice of reading material and
happens to remark directly to the girl:
"Hmmm., Kyisha, no one else in our class brings
their [Bible, Koran, etc.] to read
during free time."

End of Activity. Return
to Guide Sheet.