Nonreligion There exist today many philosophical variants of nonreligious belief systems. Naturalism, rationalism, secular humanism, atheism, brights, and methodological skepticism, along with agnosticism, are the most common perspectives. Outlooks that fall under the umbrella description “nonreligious” presented here have in common that they do not contain any supernatural beliefs. As historical complements of religion (departures from the religious philosophies), these nonreligious worldviews are commonly termed “freethought.” In the United States, where monotheism holds sway, a common phrase for a freethinker is “nonbeliever.” Across the ages freethought has taken as many varied forms as religion. Whether seen in history or in modern times, freethinkers are nonconformist in the domain of religious belief. Close to a million Americans say they do not believe in God, nearly five times what it was 30 years ago. (Sacramento Bee, 6/28/98). This minuscule percentage undoubtedly underestimates the occurrence of the full-fledged atheists in the United States. As is the situation in many countries, it is not everywhere socially acceptable to profess to being agnostic or atheist, to express unbelief. In a handful of other countries, such as Iran, it is dangerous. Even in the U.S., where considerable lip service is given to “freedom of conscience,” it is difficult to ascertain how many Americans operate according to a worldview that is fundamentally void of supernatural beliefs. In the U.S. populace at large, New Age ideas flow freely at a time when intellectualism and skeptical thinking is in a low ebb and public understanding of science quite weak. Here also, more so than in any other Western nation, a mainstream culture dominated by Christianity (88%) presses for conformity to theistic religious belief, or at minimum to some sort of religion. Certain conservative constituencies push hard for such conventionality in the public sphere. Piety in politics is anticipated, and in many circles, expression of doubts about religion, skepticism and nonbelief strongly frowned upon. In some regions of the nation, it is taboo. It is no wonder that agnostics and atheistic Americans, in particular, do not readily admit to their stance. And yet, encyclopedias who tally such report the nation’s declared “not religious” (which includes the assorted freethinking worldviews above) to outnumber U.S. followers of all the familiar religions (e.g., Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism) except, of course, Christianity. Most often, people think of a nonreligious worldview as a counterpoint to religion. But, in one real sense, counterpart is more apropos. Nonreligious and religious worldviews conceptually correspond, in that both address the same ultimate concerns that exist within (and disquiet the mind of) every thinking person. Any worldview, religious or nonreligious, underlies universals of human life and living. Sources: Joanne O’Brien and Martin Palmer (State of Religion Atlas), 1993; Gerald A. Larue (Freethought Across the Centuries, 1996); Wendy Kaminer (“The Last Taboo” in The New Republic, 10-14-96); Michael Shermer (Why People Believe Weird Things, 1997). Demographics Worldwide: In mid-1995, there were 841 million (14.7% of world population) generally nonreligious, along with an additional separate category of 220 million (3.8%) atheists. Source: "Worldwide Adherents of All Religions by Six Continental Areas" Britannica Online, 1998. United States: Americans who declared "no religion" in a post-2000 census survey numbered 27,586,000 (14.1% of the U.S. population), with those clearly specifying a nonreligious worldview as agnostic numbering 991,000 (0.5%) and atheist 902,000 (0.4%). Demographic Table Map: Nonreligion Source: The ARIS 2001 study |
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