The Civic Framework |
Teaching About Religion |
in support of civic pluralism |
All citizens of this nation are to be on a level playing field of rights and responsibilities with regard to their liberty of conscience. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ |
The guiding principles underlying considerations of religion in public schools are the Religious Liberty clauses of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…" These guiding principles, as understood and interpreted both by the nation’s courts and by the citizenry, provide a civic framework of rights and responsibilities for treatment of religion and for negotiations of disagreements or differences. All U.S. citizens, religious or not, are vested in this civic framework. With respect to public education, two documents - Religious Liberty, Public Education, and the Future of American Democracy: A Statement of Principles and the Williamsburg Charter - justify mention. Each is an instance of the civic framework being interpreted by what has, over time, been a succession of organizations and/or religious groups. Both documents’ interpretations of the civic framework are spelled out within several pages of detail in a single book - Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Education, published by the First Amendment Center (See Chapter 2: "A Civic Framework for Finding Common Ground"). Both documents declare religious liberty (freedom of conscience) to be an inalienable right of every person. (From the former:) "As Americans, we all share responsibility to guard that right for every citizen." (From the latter:) "The two Religious Liberty clauses address distinct concerns, but together they serve the same end—religious liberty, or freedom of conscience, for citizens of all faiths or none." These statements denote that all citizens are to be on a level playing field of rights and responsibilities with respect to liberty of conscience. The framers of the Constitution, in the First Amendment’s two religious liberty clauses, made (in the words of the Williamsburg Charter), "…a momentous decision, perhaps the most important political decision for religious liberty and public justice in history… Yet the ignorance and contention now surrounding the clauses are a reminder that their advocacy and defense is a task for each succeeding generation… A society is only as just and free as it is respectful of this right for its smallest minorities and least popular communities." Civic Ground Rules for Schools Charles Haynes, of the First Amendment Center, has written widely about liberty of conscience in the context of public education. On the issue of "teaching about religion," he writes: "When we teach about the many cultures and religions of our nation and the world, we must simultaneously teach our common ground — the civic values and responsibilities that we share as American citizens. If this is done, teaching about religion becomes an excellent opportunity to teach respect for universal rights and mutual responsibilities, within which the deep differences of belief can be negotiated." Placing religious liberty principles at the heart of American civic values and citizenship, Dr. Haynes puts forward the following Three Rs as civic essentials for public schools, just as they are the ground rules of American citizenship. Rights – Religious liberty, or freedom of conscience, is a basic and inalienable right founded on the inviolable dignity of the person. In a society as religiously diverse as the United States, it is essential that schools emphasize that the rights guaranteed by the Constitution are for citizens of all faiths and none. Responsibilities – Religious liberty is not only a universal right, but it also depends upon a universal responsibility to respect that right for others, treating others as we ourselves desire to be treated. All citizens must recognize the inseparable link between the preservation of their own constitutional rights and their responsibility as citizens to defend those rights for all others. This is what the Williamsburg Charter calls the "Golden Rule for civic life." Respect – Debate and disagreement are vital to classroom discussion and a key element of preparation for citizenship in a democracy. Yet, if we are to live with our differences, particularly our religious differences, how we debate, and not only what we debate, is critical. At the heart of good citizenship is a strong commitment to the civic values that enable people with diverse religious and philosophical perspectives to treat one another with respect and civility. Corrections and comments invited. [last modified: 8/31/04] Author: Mynga Futrell, Ph.D. |