Worldview Diversity What is a worldview? World-view, world view, or worldview (noun) |
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- The overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world. - A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group. |
[Translation of German Weltanschauung] The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third edition, 1992. More about Worldviews |
A worldview, whether religious or nonreligious, is personal insight about reality and meaning, often termed a "life understanding." Each of us has a worldview. It is our own discernment. It develops in part because we have sought some understanding of our own significance. |
Human beings everywhere are desirous of certitude by which to live their lives. There are what appear to be universal queries for understanding of important aspects of life and living. An individual’s worldview makes reply to these universal human queries. |
A worldview consists of basic assumptions and images that provide a more or less coherent, though not necessarily accurate, way of thinking about the world. |
The personal insight comprising a worldview will encompass notions of the existence or nonexistence of the supernatural and a deity or deities; the origins of the universe and of human life; the source of morality and values and identification of what is good or evil; how to live one’s life; the meaning of life and of death; and so on. To greater or lesser degree, people have qualms regarding their ultimate concerns and obtain reassurances from worldview coherency. Much of any person’s worldview is shaped by his or her culture and upbringing. But, the worldview is not merely a philosophical byproduct of a person’s culture, like a shadow..” As A.F.C. Wallace in Culture and Personality (1970) states: |
“(A worldview is) the very skeleton of concrete cognitive assumptions on which the flesh of customary behavior is hung.” |
Accordingly, he continues, the worldview of an individual “…may be expressed, more or less systematically, in cosmology, philosophy, ethics, religious ritual, scientific belief, and so on, but it is implicit in almost every act.” It is a person’s internal mental framework of cognitive understanding about reality and life meaning. Developing a Worldview No infant has a worldview. Each person’s "life understanding" takes shape over time as the individual grows and develops, as he or she engages in new events and experiences, interacts with others and with his or her surroundings, and derives answers to inquiries about life and living from fellow human beings. Any individual’s worldview is internal and, in the fine scale, unique. The “players in” and “process of” early worldview formation for any child vary across cultural and other variables that influence the child’s upbringing (e.g., rearing communally or within a nuclear family). In the United States, the ones who supply answers to queries and facilitate the formation of a youngster’s worldview are usually parents and/or close family of the child. Their influence during formative years is powerful, as would be that of any other significant adults in the child’s life. Along the way of gaining their worldview perspectives, youngsters hold to their formulation (assumptions/images) with varying degrees of firmness and cognitive maturity. Influences in modern society (e.g., powerful television and other media; “popular culture”) more and more have some bearing on both the process and outcome. Altering a Worldview An adult’s worldview may, but need not, remain consistent. Aspects may gradually evolve as the person proceeds through his or her life, or there may be events that compel radical reformation of outlook. For example, exposure to new ways of thinking through education may induce varying degrees of changed perspective. Vivid experiences or persuasive encounters may engender dramatic alteration of outlook. Exposure to different cultural practices or mores, or changes in geography or living circumstance, or significant tragedy or success—such experiences may revamp one’s way of thinking about life and meaning. Purposeful attempts to modify another person’s worldview understanding may not be successful. Much interior stress and internal conflict (for the one who is the target) may attend such an endeavor. [D. H. Esbenshade, using creationism and evolution as his example, has discussed educators’ challenging of students’ worldview cognition in “Growing Pains,” Religion & Education, 26(2).] To the extent that the undertaking directly confronts the coherency of an extant worldview, the individual may resist or oppose the undertaking. And even a person induced by intimidation or persecution to change external expression of worldview may privately hold fast to his or her outlook. Perpetuating a Worldview Since, as Wallace phrased it (above), the “flesh” of customary behavior is hung on the “skeleton” of assumptions and images in the worldview, there are stakeholders in the process of any youngster’s development. Whoever most controls a child's early environment will likely be most influential in directing the developmental course and bringing about desired ends. Stakeholders can hope to produce a preferred outcome by exposing a youngster to selected experiences and instructing him or her by way of narratives and rituals (along with related plaudits, censure, etc.). A conformist indoctrination process also may involve screening out of alternative worldview narratives and experiences, or at least careful managing of a youngster’s acquaintance with them. Even a broad-minded approach, one which does not seek to restrict exposure to alternate assumptions or images, will involve instilling certain "interpretations" and offering up "guidelines." Conveyed as "helpful" (for understanding the universe, living life well, gaining meaning of it all, etc.), the intent is that they frame the child's outlook thenceforth. American parents or guardians will invest to varying degrees in the transmission to progeny of their understandings of life and meaning. (Some care deeply about their child’s development and attempt to inculcate their own cognitive accounts and traditions with regard to “life understanding.” Others may devote far less attention to consciously influencing their child’s course.) The nation’s own warrant is signaled through the process of education conducted in its public schools. This warrant ideally is neutral across the varied worldviews. The public education concentrates on interpreting the world in secular fashion according to authenticated standards of knowledge (with broad inter-subjective validity) and molding conduct around common values of civilized society (with a concomitant respect for the individuality of personal conscience). For concerned stakeholders within a household, the picture is more complicated than was customary in times past. No longer can a family as readily control major interactions of the child within a general locale, with the family acting as a unit to accommodate its outlook to local mores. The complexity of and rapid changes within today's culture are bringing many more factors to bear. Technological developments (e.g., television and other electronic media) may increasingly hold sway in shaping of a youngster's worldview. These, along with changes in society at large and in schooling have broadened the reach of additional stakeholders (e.g., advertisers) into the household. The contemporary situation doubtless presents intense conflicts for those parents who seek a high degree of command over the shaping of their child's worldview. (Some may opt for greater control through private schooling or resort to home schooling.) Even the most liberal of parents may be challenged by an inability to channel experiences for their progeny toward what they hold in mind as a hoped-for outcome. “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree” is a maxim that expresses well the significance of early influences on the worldview of any person. But as long as life continues to be lived, a “life understanding” is susceptible to alteration. Corrections and comments are invited. [Last updated: 8/18/06] Author: Mynga Futrell, Ph.D. |