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California State Board of
Education, History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools,
California Department of Education, 1997.
California State Board of Education, Moral and Civic
Education Handbook, California Department of Education, 1995.
Cassity, M. D. et al., Living with Our Deepest Differences,
The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center, 1995.
Eck, Diana, A New Religious
How a "Christian Country" Has Now Become the World's Most Religiously
Diverse Nation, Harper, 2001.
Farkas, S. et al., For Goodness Sake: Why So Many Want
Religion to Play a Greater Role in American Life, Public Agenda, 2001.
Haynes, Chas. C., Editor, Finding Common
Ground: A First Amendment Guide to
Religion and Public Education, First Amendment Center, 1998.
Kosmin, B., and S. Lachman, One Nation Under God: Religion in
Contemporary America, Harmony Books, 1993.
Kosmin, B., Mayer, Egon, and A. Keysar, American Religious
Identification Survey, 2001, The Graduate Center of the City University of
New York, October 2001.
B, M. D. Stern, and O. S. Thomas, The
Right to Religious Liberty(2nd Ed.), Southern Illinois University
Press, 1995.
Joanne and Martin Palmer, The
State of Religion Atlas, Touchstone, 1993.
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